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如何给SQL SERVER存储过程传递数组参数



发表于 2009-1-23 11:52:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  Q. How can I pass an array of values to a SQL Server stored-procedure.   (v1.1 1999.05.14)      A. Basically you can't - SQL Server has no array type - ANSI SQL 92 does not specify array support. But there are various ways around it.      确切的说不行-SQL SERVER没有数组类型,ANSI SQL 92标准也不支持数组。但可用其它的方法来实现。      1. You could simulate an array by passing one or more varchar(255) fields with comma-separated values and then use a WHILE loop with PATINDEX and SUBSTR to extract the values.      1、你可以使用几个VARCHAR(255)字段来模拟数组,字段中用逗号分开各个数据,然后使用循环和PATINDEX和SUBSTR分开这些数据。      2. The more usual way to do this would be to populate a temporary table with the values you need and then use the contents of that table from within the stored-procedure. Example of this below      2、通常这种方法需要为这些数据创建一个临时表,然后在存储过程使用表中的内容。如下例      create procedure mytest @MyParmTempTable varchar(30)   as   begin   -- @MyParmTempTable contains my parameter list...  这个变量是包含参数的表名      -- For simplicity use dynamic sql to copy into a normal temp table...      create table #MyInternalList (   list_item varchar( 2 ) not null   )      set nocount on      insert #MyInternalList   exec ( "select * from " @MyParmTempTable )      set nocount off      -- It is now easier to join..   select *   from sysobjects   where type in ( select list_item from #MyInternalList )      end   go      To call..      create table #MyList (   list_item varchar( 2 ) not null   )   insert #MyList values ( 'S' )   insert #MyList values ( 'U' )   insert #MyList values ( 'P' )      exec mytest "#MyList"      3. If all you wanted to do was use the array/list as input to an IN clause in a WHERE statement you could use :-      3、如果你想在IN子句里使用输入的数组参数可以这样做:      CREATE PROCEDURE sp_MyProcedure (@MyCommaDelimitedString   Varchar(255))   AS   BEGIN   EXEC ('SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE MYFIELD IN (' @MyCommaDelimitedString ')')   END   GO <
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