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如何获得SQL Server 2000中知道对象的权限



发表于 2009-1-23 11:52:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  问题:如何获得SQL SERVER 2000中知道对象的权限?   解决:   前几天看到有人问是否可以方便的获得SQL SERVER2000指定对象的权限和指定USER的权   限。我写了一个存储过程,可以获得用户和角色的权限。请大家帮忙测试一下。看看是   否还有BUG:-)      IF OBJECTPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID( 'usp_getObjectAuthor' ) , 'IsProcedure' ) =1   DROP PROC usp_getObjectAuthor   GO   /*************************************************************/   /* Created By : leimin */   /* Created On : 29 May 2004 */   /* Description : This stored procedure returns the object permission which   you */   /* GRANT,DENY and REVOKE.   */   /**************************************************************/   Create proc usp_getObjectAuthor   @objectname sysname = null,   @username sysname = null   as   set nocount on   begin   /**************************************************************/   /* defined the initilization variable */   /**************************************************************/   Declare @rc int   Declare @rowcount int   Declare @groupid int      Set @rc=0   Set @rowcount=0      /**************************************************************/   /* Judge the input parameters ,if @objectname is null and @username is   null */   /* then return all objects authorization. */   /*************************************************************/   if @objectname is null and @username is null   begin   select object_name(a.id) as objectname,   user_name(a.uid) as usename,   case b.issqlrole when 1 then 'Group '   else 'User'   end as Role,   case a.protecttype when 205 then 'Grant'   when 204 then 'Grant'   when 206 then 'Deny'   else 'Revoke'   end as ProtectType,   case a.[action] when 26 then 'REFERENCES'   when 178 then 'CREATE FUNCTION'   when 193 then 'SELECT'   when 195 then 'INSERT'   when 196 then 'DELETE'   when 197 then 'UPDATE'   when 198 then 'CREATE TABLE'   when 203 then 'CREATE DATABASE'   when 207 then 'CREATE VIEW'   when 222 then 'CREATE PROCEDURE'   when 224 then 'EXECUTE'   when 228 then 'BACKUP DATABASE'   when 233 then 'CREATE DEFAULT'   when 235 then 'BACKUP LOG'   when 236 then 'CREATE RULE'   else '0'   end as [Action],   user_name(a.grantor) as Grantor   from sysprotects a inner join sysusers b on a.uid=b.uid   where exists (select 1 from sysobjects   where [name]=object_name(a.id) and xtype 'S' )   order by object_name(a.id)      select @rowcount=@@rowcount   if @rowcount=0   begin   select @rc=-1   print 'There a no user objects in database!'   return @rc   end   end   /**************************************************************/   /* Judge the input parameters ,if @objectname is null and @username is not   null */   /* then return all objects authorization where relation @username */   /* if the user belong to a group ,so we must add the group authorization */   /**************************************************************/   if @rc=0 and @username is not null and @objectname is null   begin   if not exists(select * from sysusers where [uid]=user_id(@username) and   status0)   begin   select @rc=-2   print 'The user name is not include in sysusers table.'   return @rc   end      if exists(select 1 from sysmembers where [memberuid]=user_id(@username))   begin   select object_name(a.id) as objectname,   user_name(a.uid) as usename,   case b.issqlrole when 1 then 'Group '   else 'User'   end as Role,   case a.protecttype when 205 then 'Grant'   when 204 then 'Grant'   when 206 then 'Deny'   else 'Revoke'   end as ProtectType,   case a.[action] when 26 then 'REFERENCES'   when 178 then 'CREATE FUNCTION'   when 193 then 'SELECT'   when 195 then 'INSERT'   when 196 then 'DELETE'   when 197 then 'UPDATE'   when 198 then 'CREATE TABLE'   when 203 then 'CREATE DATABASE'   when 207 then 'CREATE VIEW'   when 222 then 'CREATE PROCEDURE'   when 224 then 'EXECUTE'   when 228 then 'BACKUP DATABASE'   when 233 then 'CREATE DEFAULT'   when 235 then 'BACKUP LOG'   when 236 then 'CREATE RULE'   else '0'   end as [Action],   user_name(a.grantor) as Grantor   from sysprotects a inner join sysusers b on a.uid=b.uid   where exists (select 1 from sysobjects   where [name]=object_name(a.id) and xtype 'S' )   and ( exists (select 1 from sysmembers   where groupuid=a.uid and memberuid=user_id(@username))   or a.uid=user_id(@username))   order by object_name(a.id)      select @rowcount=@@rowcount   if @rowcount=0   begin   select @rc=-3   print @username ' have not any objects authorization.'   return @rc   end   end   else   begin   select object_name(a.id) as objectname,   user_name(a.uid) as usename,   case b.issqlrole when 1 then 'Group '   else 'User'   end as Role,   case a.protecttype when 205 then 'Grant'   when 204 then 'Grant'   when 206 then 'Deny'   else 'Revoke'   end as ProtectType,   case a.[action] when 26 then 'REFERENCES'   when 178 then 'CREATE FUNCTION'   when 193 then 'SELECT'   when 195 then 'INSERT'   when 196 then 'DELETE'   when 197 then 'UPDATE'   when 198 then 'CREATE TABLE'   when 203 then 'CREATE DATABASE'   when 207 then 'CREATE VIEW'   when 222 then 'CREATE PROCEDURE'   when 224 then 'EXECUTE'   when 228 then 'BACKUP DATABASE'   when 233 then 'CREATE DEFAULT'   when 235 then 'BACKUP LOG'   when 236 then 'CREATE RULE'   else '0'   end as [Action],   user_name(a.grantor) as Grantor   from sysprotects a inner join sysusers b on a.uid=b.uid   where exists (select 1 from sysobjects   where [name]=object_name(a.id) and xtype 'S' )   and a.uid=user_id(@username)   order by object_name(a.id)      select @rowcount=@@rowcount   if @rowcount=0   begin   select @rc=-4   print @username ' have not any objects authorization.'   return @rc   end   end      end   /**************************************************************/   /* Judge the input parameters ,if @objectname is not null and @username is   null */   /* then return one objects authorization */   /**************************************************************/   if @rc=0 and @objectname is not null and @username is null   begin   if not exists(select * from sysobjects where [id]=object_id(@objectname)   and xtype'S')   begin   select @rc=-5   return @rc   end   if @rc=0   begin   select object_name(a.id) as objectname,   user_name(a.uid) as usename,   case b.issqlrole when 1 then 'Group '   else 'User'   end as Role,   case a.protecttype when 205 then 'Grant'   when 204 then 'Grant'   when 206 then 'Deny'   else 'Revoke'   end as ProtectType,   case a.[action] when 26 then 'REFERENCES'   when 178 then 'CREATE FUNCTION'   when 193 then 'SELECT'   when 195 then 'INSERT'   when 196 then 'DELETE'   when 197 then 'UPDATE'   when 198 then 'CREATE TABLE'   when 203 then 'CREATE DATABASE'   when 207 the <
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