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发表于 2008-12-28 12:10:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  Stateful Session Bean可以一对一的维持某个调用客户的状态,并且在不同的方法调用中维持这个状态, 由于对于每一个并发用户,必须有一个对应的Stateful Session Bean,为了提高系统的效率,Stateful Session Bean可以在一定的客户空闲时间后被写入二级存储设备(如硬盘),在客户发出新的调用请求后,再从二级存储 设备恢复到内存中。但是在多用户下,Stateless Session Bean运行效率高于Stateful Session Bean。   javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean接口继承了java.io.Serializable,用以实现写入读出操作。   当EJB容器调用ejbPassivate()方法钝化了bean之后,就可以把它写入二级存储设备,然后容器调用ejbActivate()方法激活bean,把它从二级存储设备中读出。      状态bean的钝化过程   计数bean的远程接口   远程接口定义了一个业务方法count(),它将在企业bean类中实现。         激活状态bean   package com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count;   import javax.ejb.*;   import java.rmi.RemoteException;   /**   * These are CountBean's business logic methods.   *   * This interface is what clients operate on when they   * interact with EJB objects. The container vendor will   implement this interface; the implemented object is   * the EJB Object, which delegates invocations to the   * actual bean.   */   public interface Count extends EJBObject {   /**   * Increments the int stored as conversational state   */   public int count() throws RemoteException;   }   Source Count.java      package com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count;   import javax.ejb.*;   /**   * Demonstration Stateful Session Bean. This bean is   * initialized to some integer value and has a business   * method that increments the value.   *   * This example shows the basics of how to write a stateful   * session bean and how passivation/activation works.   */   public class CountBean implements SessionBean {   private SessionContext ctx;   // The current counter is our conversational state.   public int val;   //   // Business methods   //   /**   * Counts up   */   public int count() {   System.out.println("count()");   return val;   }   //   // EJB-required methods   //   public void ejbCreate(int val) throws CreateException {   this.val = val;   System.out.println("ejbCreate()");   }   public void ejbRemove() {   System.out.println("ejbRemove()");   }   public void ejbActivate() {   System.out.println("ejbActivate()");   }   public void ejbPassivate() {   System.out.println("ejbPassivate()");   }   public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {   }   }   Source CountBean.java   Bean实现了javax.ejb.SessionBean。所以,它必须定义所有SessionBean定义的方法。   OjbCreate()初始化带了val的参数。它将作为counter的初始状态。在钝化和激活bean的过程中,val变量被保护。      计数bean的home接口   package com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count;   import javax.ejb.*;   import java.rmi.RemoteException;   /**   * This is the home interface for CountBean. This interface   * is implemented by the EJB Server's glue-code tools - the   * implemented object is called the Home Object and serves   * as a factory for EJB Objects.   *   * One create() method is in this Home Interface, which   * corresponds to the ejbCreate() method in the CountBean file.   */   public interface CountHome extends EJBHome {   /*   * This method creates the EJB Object.   *   * @param val Value to initialize counter to   *   * @return The newly created EJB Object.   */   Count create(int val) throws RemoteException, CreateException;   }   Source CountHome.java.   计数bean的配置描述符      计数bean的配置描述符   计数bean的环境属性   生成计数bean的Ejb-jar文件   计数bean的客户端代码   package com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count;   import javax.ejb.*;   import javax.naming.*;   import java.util.Properties;   /**   * This class is a simple example of client code that invokes   * methods on a simple Stateless Enterprise Bean.   *   * We create 3 EJB Objects in this example, but we allow   * the container to have only 2 in memory. This illustrates how   * beans are passivated to storage.   */   public class CountClient {   public static void main(String[] args) {   try {   /*   * Get System properties for JNDI initialization   */   Properties props = System.getProperties();   /*   * Get a reference to the Home Object - the   * factory for EJB Objects   */   Source CountClient.java   1、需要JNDL初始化上下文   2、使用JNDL定位home接口   3、使用home对象建立3个不同的计数EJB对象,因此也就和三个不同的客户端建立了会话   4、配置描述符限制了同时只能有两个bean工作,因此3个bean中一定有钝化的。在调用ejbPassivate()时,打印一条信息。   5、在每个EJB对象上调用count()方法,调用ejbActivate()方法激活bean,该方法打印一条信息。   6、最后所有的EJB对象被删除。   package com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count;   import javax.ejb.*;   import javax.naming.*;   import java.util.Properties;   /**   * This class is a simple example of client code that invokes   * methods on a simple Stateless Enterprise Bean.   *   * We create 3 EJB Objects in this example, but we allow   * the container to have only 2 in memory. This illustrates how   * beans are passivated to storage.   */   public class CountClient {   public static void main(String[] args) {   try {   /*   * Get System properties for JNDI initialization   */   Properties props = System.getProperties();   /*   * Get a reference to the Home Object - the   * factory for EJB Objects   */   Context ctx = new InitialContext(props);   CountHome home = (CountHome) ctx.lookup("CountHome");   /*   * An array to hold 3 Count EJB Objects   */   Count count[] = new Count[3];   int countVal = 0;   /*   * Create and count() on each member of array   */   System.out.println("Instantiating beans...");   for (int i=0; i < 3; i ) {   /*   * Create an EJB Object and initialize   * it to the current count value.   */   count = home.create(countVal);   /*   * Add 1 and print   */   countVal = count.count();   System.out.println(countVal);   /*   * Sleep for 1/2 second   */   Thread.sleep(500);   }   /*   * Let's call count() on each EJB Object to   * make sure the beans were passivated and   * activated properly.   */   System.out.println("Calling count() on beans...");   for (int i=0; i < 3; i ) {   /*   * Add 1 and print   */   countVal = count.count();   System.out.println(countVal);   /*   * Sleep for 1/2 second   */   Thread.sleep(500);   }   /*   * Done with EJB Objects, so remove them   */   for (int i=0; i < 3; i ) {   count.remove();   }   } catch (Exception e) {   e.printStackTrace();   }   }   }   Source CountClient.java   运行客户端:   对于BEA的WebLogic,执行:   java -Djava.naming.factory.initial=   weblogic.jndi.TengahInitialContextFactory   -Djava.naming.provider.url=   t3://localhost:7001   com.wiley.compBooks.roman.session.count.CountClient
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