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福格品牌拥有一支的成熟团队,由经验丰富的品牌设计师,资深广告策划,文案人员组成。福格拥有现代设计理念,以消费者为导向的人性化设计,深化产品内涵;结合前卫设计风格,提高商业价值,促进客户商业利益的最大化。年轻富有创造力的设计师团队以独特的设计视觉获得客户和同行的尊重,同时专业的品牌视觉运作使我们的价值得到彰显。团队协力,福格工作的核心与原动力,也是我们始终坚持的工作方式。从前沿到经典,我们的年轻队伍有源源不断的设计想法,而资深人员的经验使我们对于这些想法有足够的控制力。紧密结合,确保团队中每个人的价值得到最充分的体现,整合发挥团队最强优势。In FocusBrand, our design team consists of experienced designers and researchers,7 or so in total. Design oriented to advanced technology to improve business value and maximize clients’ profit.Because of unique point of view, abundant creativity and professional brand vision design, our design team plays an important role in this field. Cooperation among teams is FocusBrand's core and impulsion, which is also our work style. The close combination of creativity from the youngsters and experiences from the seniors assure personal value and team advantage to the most.