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发表于 2009-1-20 09:22:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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  /******************************************      下面的SP是返回所有的客户端的IP和HOSTNAME,目的是可以通过JOB返回某一时间点的CLIENT 的连接情况.      我当时写这个脚本的目的是经常有一些没有授权的客户机,通过SQLSERVER的CLIENT就连接到SQLSERVER,所以我可以定义一个JOB每隔30分钟运行一次这个存储过程,并且将内容写的一个LOG文件,这样可以大概记录有哪些CLIENT在连接SQLSERVER,当然大家可以可以修改这个脚本,使之返回更多的信息,比如CPU,MEMORY,LOCK....      Author:黄山光明顶      mail:leimin@jxfw.com      version:1.0.0      date:2004-1-30      (如需转载,请注明出处!)      *********************************************      Create proc usp_getClient_infor   as   set nocount on      Declare @rc int   Declare @RowCount int      Select @rc=0   Select @RowCount=0      begin   --//create temp table ,save sp_who information   create table #tspid(   spid int null,   ecid int null,   status nchar(60) null,   loginname nchar(256) null,   hostname nchar(256) null,   blk bit null,   dbname nchar(256) null,   cmd nchar(32)   )      --//create temp table save all SQL client IP and hostname and login time   Create table #userip(   [id]int identity(1,1),   txt varchar(1000),   )      --//Create result table to return recordset   Create table #result(   [id]int identity(1,1),   ClientIP varchar(1000),   hostname nchar(256),   login_time datetime default(getdate())      )   --//get host name by exec sp_who ,insert #tspid from sp_who,   insert into #tspid(spid,ecid,status,loginname,hostname,blk,dbname,cmd) exec sp_who      declare @cmdStr varchar(100),   @hostName nchar(256),   @userip varchar(20),   @sendstr varchar(100)      --//declare a cursor from table #tspid   declare tspid cursor   for select distinct hostname from #tspid with (nolock) where spid>50   for read only      open tspid   fetch next from tspid into @hostname   While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0   begin   select @cmdStr='ping ' rtrim(@hostName)      insert into #userip(txt) exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmdStr      select @rowcount=count(id) from #userIP      if @RowCount=2 --//no IP feedback package   begin   insert into #Result(ClientIP,hostname) values('Can not get feedback package from Ping!',@hostname)   end   if @RowCount>2   begin   select @userip=substring(txt,charindex('[',txt) 1,charindex(']',txt)-charindex('[',txt)-1)   from #userIP   where txt like 'Pinging%'      insert into #Result(ClientIP,hostname) values(@userIP,@hostname)   end   select @rc=@@error   if @rc=0   truncate table #userip --//clear #userIP table      fetch next from tspid into @hostname   end      close tspid   deallocate tspid      select * from #result with(nolock)      drop table #tspid   drop table #userip   drop table #result   end   go   exec usp_getClient_infor    <
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